The Oratory R.C. Primary & Nursery School

"Shine as to be a light to others." St. John Henry Newman
Executive Headteacher's Welcome

On behalf of the children, staff and governors of the Oratory R.C. Primary and Nursery School, I welcome you to our website.
Every aspect of school life is founded on Gospel Values. Our choice of Mission Statement - Shine as to be a light to others - is inspired by the writing and teaching of Saint John Henry Newman, an advocate of personalised learning, and of Saint Philip Neri, who believed that 'cheerfulness strengthens the heart and makes us persevere in a good life; therefore the servant of God ought always to be in good spirits.'
We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing and happy immersive learning environment, based upon the living tradition of the Church, drawing continually upon current educational research.
There is a friendly vibrancy coupled with living and growing together in a Christian community which has a lasting impact on all who visit the Oratory. Our School’s distinct atmosphere is a result of the combination of our strong Catholic foundation, a culture of unconditional support for one another’s learning, where all listen respectfully and welcome constructive criticism and challenge in addition to the continual promotion of the right of all to participate in school life without distinction of culture, religion, language, ethnic background or race.
As a community of lifelong learners, our school and Governing Body work in close partnership with our families, the Fathers and Brothers of the Oratory, our local parish, the local and wider community, and external consultants. We work together to enable all to fulfil their spiritual, academic, emotional and social potential. We are a team, and together we make a difference.
We are immensely proud of our children and the people who help them learn. We look forward to meeting and nurturing your child through the next phase of their faith and educational journey.
Mrs M Lynch
Executive Headteacher