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Our School

A very warm welcome to the Oratory R.C. Primary and Nursery School’s website which captures the vibrant, creative and nurturing spirit of our school.

We wish to share our learning adventures, up to date news and information about the school with you through our website.


We hope you enjoy our website and that you will find lots of useful and interesting information easily. Keep visiting us to get our regular newsletters and the latest reports on special events.

Please see our Contact Us page for all the ways to get in touch with us, and if you have enjoyed your visit, or have any memories of the school, please leave us a comment in our Guestbook.

Thank you for visiting. We look forward to seeing you again soon.


Our Mission

‘Shine as to be a light to others’
Saint John Henry Newman

Taken from a prayer written by St John Henry Newman.

Prayer Tree

Our Vision

Every aspect of our school life is founded on Gospel Values. Our choice of Mission Statement is inspired by the writing and teaching of Saint John Henry Newman, an advocate of personalised learning, and of Saint Philip Neri, who believed that 'cheerfulness strengthens the heart and makes us persevere in a good life; therefore the servant of God ought always to be in good spirits.'

We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing and happy immersive learning environment, based upon the living tradition of the Church, drawing continually upon current educational research.

Our school prepares children to meet the opportunities and challenges of life in contemporary Britain and within a fast changing technological and globalised world through our curriculum drivers




a curriculum that is tailored to meet the needs of all.

A community of lifelong learners, all members of our school family work in close partnership.  Our staff, governors, families, the Fathers and Brothers of the Oratory, our local parish, the local and wider community, and external consultants.  We work together aspiring to enable all to fulfill their spiritual, academic, emotional and social potential. We are a team, and together we make a difference.

Christ is at the centre of all we do.

Our school is a learning community for all: pupils, staff, governors, parents and carers, outside agencies, and the local and wider community.

Ours is a strong culture of unconditional support for one another’s learning, where all listen respectfully and welcome constructive criticism and challenge.

We offer a vibrant and exciting curriculum and learning experience, ensuring that all pupils, from whatever point they start on entering our School, make at least good progress.

We aim to help our children discover and develop their God-given talents and to encourage them to grow in responsibility for themselves and for others.

We believe that everyone has a right to equal access and opportunity, and equal freedom to work and learn, and freedom from unjust discrimination and from prejudice.

Our practices promote the right of all to participate in school life by actively promoting equality and social inclusion without distinction of culture, religion, language, ethnic background or race.

Our School's Context and Culture

Our School mission is based on the belief that every human being is a unique person created in the image and likeness of God, with a God-given potential for growth and an eternal destiny in heaven. Our staff have a special vocation to make sure that all children receive the very best educational experience in order to grow in the love and knowledge of God, their neighbour, themselves and the created world. We see this as integral to our Catholic ethos.

As a school we work together to embed and sustain this ethos. The word 'ethos' can be defined as 'a way of living, behaving and doing things by people who, though diverse, follow common values and are linked by a shared vision of life.' Our school’s Catholic ethos promotes and helps to shape a strong set of values.

The Oratory RC Primary & Nursery School

Oliver Road



B16 9ER

Telephone: 0121 454 0600



Mrs. M Lynch, Executive Headteacher

Miss S Ryan, Head of School

Mrs K Hadley, SENDCO
Mrs S Yaman, Administrative Assistant - for enquiries from parents and the public

Please make contact via the school telephone number.

Father David Sprong, Chair of Governors

To write to our Chair of Governors, please send your letter to the school address above and mark the envelope 'confidential'.


For further information about our school, or to request any information in paper format (free of charge), please contact us at school.

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