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Meet the Team at The Oratory...


0121 454 0600


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We are very proud to have such a dedicated team supporting your child. From the leadership team to our site manager, every person is valued to provide the best opportunities! As Pope Francis says, "Teaching is a beautiful job; as it allows you to see the growth day by day of people entrusted to your care. It is a little like being parents, as least spiritually. It is a great responsibility." 

The Oratory RC Primary & Nursery School

Oliver Road



B16 9ER

Telephone: 0121 454 0600



Mrs. M Lynch, Executive Headteacher

Miss S Ryan, Head of School

Mrs K Hadley, SENDCO
Mrs S Yaman, Administrative Assistant - for enquiries from parents and the public

Please make contact via the school telephone number.

Father David Sprong, Chair of Governors

To write to our Chair of Governors, please send your letter to the school address above and mark the envelope 'confidential'.


For further information about our school, or to request any information in paper format (free of charge), please contact us at school.

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