School Uniform
There is no expectation for any of our school uniform to be branded or have the school logo on it. Some of the local supermarkets stock our uniform or it can be bought online from the supermarket sites too. We also have some donated, second hand uniform in school.
Burgundy sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
White or yellow polo shirt
Grey pinafore, skirt or trousers
Grey, burgundy or black tights
White/grey socks

Burgundy/red gingham summer dress
White or yellow polo shirt
Grey pinafore, skirt, trousers or shorts
White or grey socks
Oratory sun cap or one from home

PE kit
Plain white t shirt No football tops or t-shirts with logos.
Black shorts
Black pumps
Tracksuit - black or dark blue for colder weather.

Shoes - in all cases, black ‘sensible’ shoes should be worn as part of the school uniform – never trainers.
Hair - children with long hair, past their shoulders, must have it tied or pinned back. Hair bands and clips are allowed if they are simple and small.
Earrings - small stud earrings only.
Necklaces - children should not wear necklaces to school.